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Beliebte Produkte NiBK
NiBK PN2180
126 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN3338
103 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN1233
108 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN1260
64 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN1166
59 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN0441
85 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN1227
77 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN2901
102 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN4288
135 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN21004
85 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK PN4287
156 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli
NiBK FN6715
154 PLN
inkl. MwSt
10 St.
1 Juli

NiBK (Tokyo, Japan) is a recognized leader in the development and application of innovative technologies in the production of friction materials for brake pads. Research and product development are the backbone of NiBK's continued growth and success. The production process, perfected for decades, combined with the strictest quality control, ensures complete stability of the quality characteristics of the products. Always the main priority of the company, high quality is ensured by the versatile NiBK Quality System ™. NiBK products are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide and cover the widest range of vehicles produced by Japanese, European, American and Korean manufacturers. Braking system from NiBK is available in three lines "ORIGINAL", "PERFORMANCE" and "RACING". NiBK brake pads are manufactured using patented technologies: Rotor Friendly® - allows you to extend the life of the brake disc due to a unique formula used in the production of NiBK friction material, which provides a particularly gentle interaction of mating surfaces during braking. Dustless® - keeps rims clean - no black deposits. Certificates: NiBK EAC.